Bistro chef’s Top 5 bourbons

I had a chance to visit briefly with busy Bourbons Bistro chef Michael Crouch following the Bourbon Babe Cocktail Party earlier this week. He was sipping a glass of Rock Hill Farms – one of my personal favorites. I asked him what other bourbons he enjoys. While he said he probably could list a Top 20, these are the five he finds himself returning to on a regular basis:

1. Vintage Bourbon 17-year-old (Kentucky Bourbon Distillers)

2. Rock Hill Farms (Buffalo Trace)

3. Pappy Van Winkle 20-year-old (Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery)

4. Wild Turkey Rare Breed (Wild Turkey)

5. Old Grand-Dad 114 (Beam)

Is your favorite on the short list?

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The Bourbon Babe